This Post and the attached video will explain the following points of Micro-Notes on UPSC Geography 19- Moon, Tides & Eclipse. Copy & Note it down carefully, as it will be very useful in Fast Revision of the entire topic of "UPSC Geography 19- Moon, Tides & Eclipse".
UPSC Geography 19- Moon, Tides & Eclipse
Moon Facts
- Diameter - 3480 Kms
- Distance - 3.56 lac km
- 59% only visible- same side
- Tidal lock
- Solar terminator
- Receding 38 mm / year
- Node - Moon & Earth orbit collides
- Fifth largest in solar system
- Gibbous, crescent, Full moon & New moon
- Synzy - Earth, Moon & Sun in straight line
- Orbital period 27 days
- Flood tide, high tide, ebb tide & low tide
- Tidal datum - record
- Tidal Flat - sand uncovered
- Tidal port - kandla
- Indian ocean - diurnal - one high & one low every lunar day
- Atlantic- Semi two in lunar day
- Pacific - Mixed- any pattern
- 24 hr 50 min- tidal period
- Synzy - Moon, Earth & sun in straight line
- Max 5 solar & 3 lunar (entire Hemisphere) / year
- Solar max 7.5 mins
- Saros Period - 18 year- same eclipse
** Above Video is created by KapsOne Studies and Placement Center, Nagpur for Guidance of UPSC Civil Service (IAS /IPS / IFS / IRS / SSC / Railways / NDA), MPSC Rajyaseva, UPPSC, MPPSC, BPSC, RPSC, NCERT Aspirants on UPSC Geography 19- Moon, Tides & Eclipse.
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