This Post and the attached video will explain the following points of Micro-Notes on UPSC World Geography 21- World Map. Copy & Note it down carefully, as it will be very useful in Fast Revision of the entire topic of "UPSC World Geography 21- World Map".
UPSC World Geography 21- World Map
West and Central Asia
- Anatolian Plateau-Turkey
- Zagros mountain-Iran
- Taurus mountain-South Turkey
- Aral sea Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
- Lake balkhash Kazakhstan
- Sea of marmara Turkey
- Khasi Nafud, Najd-Saudi Arabia
- Kavir lut- Iran-elbrus mountain
- Caspian Sea - Largest Lake
South East Asia
- Annam mountain-Vietnam
- Isthmus of Kra - Thailand
- Massakar, Lombok & Sunda Strait
- Gulf of tonkin (Hanin-Vietnam)
- Gulf of martaban-Myanmar
- salween river-Myanmar
- Song da river-Vietnam,
- Khorat Plateau- Thailand
- Borneo- Asia Largest Island
- Gulf of Bohai- yellow sea (Korea)
- Gobi desert & Altai Shan-Mongolia
- Taklamakan
- Tien Shan Juggar tarim basin
- Kunlunshan Qaidam Basin
- Altun Shan
- Yangtze (Chang Jiang)- Asia Largest River
Pakistan & Afganistan
- Changal,Makran, Sulaiman & Kirthar Mountains - Pakistan
- River Helmand Harihud- Afghanistan river
- Gulf of Bothnia Sweden-Finland
- Bay of Biscay-France Spain
- Iberian Peninsula Spain
- Bohemian Massif-Czech Republic
- Carpathian mountain Ukraine
- Apennines-Italy
- Cantabrian mountains- Spain
- Jura and Vosges mountain Switzerland
- Pindus mountain Greece
- River Douro - Portugal
- River Pepsi ,Volga, Don Russia
- Tarifa point-Strait of Gibraltar
- River loire-France
- Mt. Elbruz - Russia / Georgia- Highest point in europe
- Caspian Sea- lowest
- Volga river - Largest
- Lake Ladoga - Largest Europe
- Cambrian mountains West
- Grampian mountain Scotland
- Chevlot hills border Scotland
- Saint George channel-Ireland England
- Strait of Dover -France England
- Sayan Mountain - South Russia
- Novaya Zemlya Island - Kara Sea North Russia
- Chukotsk - North East
- Kamchatka Penn- East
- Mount Atlas -Toubkal Morocco
- Tibesti Emi Koussi- Sahara
- Adamawa Highland-Cameroon
- Lake Volta-Ghana
- Fouta Djallon plateau - Sierra Leone
- Zambezi river- Victoria Fall Kariba Dam
- Aughrabia Fall - river orange
- Mount Aux
- Qattara depression - Egypt
- Gulf of aqaba
- Gulf of Suez
- Mt kilimanjaro-Higest
- Lake Assal Lowest Point
North America
- Brooks range Alaska
- Mount Mckinley-Mackenzie- Highest Point
- Columbia plateau Canada-America
- Cascade range West US
- Colorado plateau Southwest United States-Death Valley (lowest point)-Great basin Yellowstone National Park
- Shield- Laurentian Mountains, Saint Lawrence- Quebec
- Ozark Central US
- Davis strait & Baffin Bay-Canada-Greenland
- Sargasso Sea-Florida
- Sierra madre-México
- Isthmus of Tehuantepec- Mexico
- Cumberland plateau-East United States
- Niagara fall-lake Erie and Ontario
- Greenland Largest North American Island
- MIssissippi- Missouri- Longest River
South America
- Cordillera mountains Northwest Columbia
- Llanos- Venezuela
- Pakaraima mountain-Northwest Brazil
- Serra Tumucumaque-Surinam
- Compos East Brazil
- Iguazu fall-Parana river
- Patagonia- South Argentina
- Lake Titicaca Bolivia Peru- Largest Lake in S.A
- Fuego- Largest Island
- Mt Aconcagua (argentina) - Highest Point
Australia & Oceania
- Queensland Brisbane
- New South Wales -Sydney and Canberra
- Victoria -Melbourne
- Adelaide-South Territory
- Simpson, Tanami, Victoria,Gibson & Sandy desert
- McDonald Rangers
- Great dividing range
- Great Barrier Reef North East
- Timor Sea- Northwest
- Bass strait-Tasmania
- Highest point-Kosciusko- Australia
- Longest river Murray and darling
- Largest lake-Eyre
** Above Video is created by KapsOne Studies and Placement Center, Nagpur for Guidance of UPSC Civil Service (IAS /IPS / IFS / IRS / SSC / Railways / NDA), MPSC Rajyaseva, UPPSC, MPPSC, BPSC, RPSC, NCERT Aspirants on topic UPSC World Geography 21- World Map .
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