This Post and the attached video will explain the following points of Micro-Notes on UPSC Geography 14 - Winds. Copy & Note it down carefully, as it will be very useful in Fast Revision of the entire topic of "UPSC Geography 14 - Winds".
UPSC Geography 14 - Winds
- Hadley cell
- Doldrums - equatorial calm
- Trade winds- horse latitude
- Coriolis effect - earth's rotation- circular motion
- Farrell Law - rightward in NH
- Torrid Zone - Tropical Zone
- Temperate zone
- Polar Zone
Local Winds
- Radiation Inversion
- Advection inversion
- Drainage Inversion- ketabatic wind- Cooling of air at top of hill
- Adiabatic cooling - raising - expanded & get cooled
Some Local Winds
- Sirocco & Bora - Italy
- Khamsin- Egypt
- Mistral - Mediterranean
- Abrolhos - Brazil
- Fremantle Doctor - Australia
- Karaburan- Mongolia
- Kona - Hawaii
- Nor easter - US
- Nor wester - NZ
- Simoom- Africa
- Sundowner - California
- Chinook - Rocky
- Harmattan - Sahara
** Above Video is created by KapsOne Studies and Placement Center, Nagpur for Guidance of UPSC Civil Service (IAS /IPS / IFS / IRS / SSC / Railways / NDA), MPSC Rajyaseva, UPPSC, MPPSC, BPSC, RPSC, NCERT Aspirants on UPSC Geography 14 - Winds.
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