This Post and the attached video will explain the following points of Micro-Notes on UPSC Geography 10 - Megarelief of First Order (Continents, Continental shelf & Oceans). Copy & Note it down carefully, as it will be very useful in Fast Revision of the entire topic of "UPSC Geography 10 - Megarelief of First Order (Continents, Continental shelf & Oceans)".
UPSC Geography 10 - Megarelief of First Order (Continents, Continental shelf & Oceans)
- 7 continents
- Straits
- Isthmus
Continental Shelf
- Largest- Arctic
- Raja Rampat (indonesia)- Highest Biodiversity
- Belize reef- West indies
- Pulley Reef- Florida
- Great Barrier reef- N.E Australia
- Atoll (Horseshoe Coral)
- Indian Ocean - Half n Ocean
- Southern Ocean - 2000
- Ocean Daily temperature -1 deg C
- Annual difference - -12 deg C
- 0.5 deg C / latitude
- Photic, Thermocline, Deep Zone (200 m)
- Salinity 3.3-3.5% Directly Proportional to dept, density & pressure)
Ocean Currents
- Surface current (Pyrocline by wind)-balanced by Ekman layer- coriolis force
- Equatorial counter current (east)
- North & South Equatorial Current west
- Canary - near morocco
- labrador - cold
- Falkland- argentina - cold
- Oyashio- japan - similar to labrador
- Cold (NE to SW)
- Warm (SE to NW)
Sediments at the Sea Bottom
- Ooze (tests-protozoans)-30 percent is composed of the skeletal remains of microscopic floating organisms
- Diatoms-type of algae that are typically abundant in marine collected in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
- Diatomaceous or diatomite earth (Photosynthesis)
- Nodules (Magnesium-Phosphate- sulphide)
** Above Video is created by KapsOne Studies and Placement Center, Nagpur for Guidance of UPSC Civil Service (IAS /IPS / IFS / IRS / SSC / Railways / NDA), MPSC Rajyaseva, UPPSC, MPPSC, BPSC, RPSC, NCERT Aspirants on UPSC Geography 10 - Megarelief of First Order (Continents, Continental shelf & Oceans).
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